\\*Tuesday, November 22, 2005*//

Dear Readers,
Aaah..Mondays blues? Ain't so true.Life is a roller coster ride? Nah,put that aside.Life begins at forty? There're thirteen going on thirty.
I had lesson till noon.No fun la..I had fun and i had lessons, after lesson itself.. :)
My eyes were seemingly tired due to the nonstop teaching of the same module.Had a 15 minutes coffee break.7 half for bread and the other for MIlO..To friends out there who are seeking a solution to be smart,strong and healthy,drink hot milo.Helps you to stay fresh too.That is it.Nothing interesting happen in class.*Dull*
Without further ado,i shall move on to.. proceed to.. weeeeee.....
Went to see my doctor.Somesort of a family doctor you see..So there can be medical or social check up.Both also can.Doesn't matter so long as there's a report to it.The check up varies with what i need..
Doctor,doctor..I hope i've remained to be a good patient all this while and always will be.There are times when i ignore your prescription.I'm truly sorry.You've check my heartbeat before,I do hope you know what's true..
Well..after all that,my doctor brought and showed me some of the other patients.
And then,in a dark room along with the rest,i was presented with thrills and spills.Thanks Doc.Thank you for everything.You're one of the reasons why i am healthy.*right wink*
They really are great bunch to be with.Some are already starting to do lungs exercise..The thought of seeing and spending quality time with them again is indeed exhilarating.I would like to know more about their medical histories..When it was time to wrap everything up,a sweet was handed over to me.So sweet of you Doc.
Less apple means more medical check up.I enjoy the hospitality.
*smile smile smile*

I bluff you @|2:01 AM|


\\*Sunday, November 20, 2005*//

Good Evening dear readers,
It's Sunday!! To some,it might be a Family day.I can't seem to know where my family members are.Always scattering themselves.Psst..they're terror people okay :p
Is it them or just me being a terrible son and brother.
When was the last time the eight of us sat on dining table together? Tsk.Long enough till the dining table is gone."It's no joke"
Time always goes by so slowly on weekends.I don't know why am i not appreciating it when i've got plenty of revision to do.Engineering maths to catch up with.This and that..Why oh why can't they include modules like "To love and to be loved".Guarantee to be one hell of fun.I don't mind ending school at evening y'know..
To my dearest cousin who likes mambo,thanks for messing up my room and finishing the beras! ;-)
Come to my house soon okay.We Rock N Roll again till dawn..

I bluff you @|5:45 PM|


\\*Wednesday, November 16, 2005*//

Dear readers,
For this couple of minutes,i would like to talk about two words.That is 'i know'.True enough that most people tend to abuse and in a way, misuse those words.They just use the word 'i know' for some reasons..Perhaps to get out of the way of something or show others they really understand what has been said.
Let the words "i know" be X.From my point of view, X can be said from two sources. First section is in our mind,which belongs to the subconscious state,considered as just knowledge that is floating in our head when we say i know.Second section is in our heart whereby it is in the true conscious state,since our hearts enable us to feel..The process of feeling is A.K.A love.We actually Feel what we say.(that's deep love friends.But not the relationship type of love gundus..I shall talk about relationship some other time.)
I know,i know.. at this point of time ,you might be confused.Relax readers.The worst is yet to come..*rubbing hands*.Keep in mind that we are talking about the words i know and not love.Let me give you an example.
Phase one: Shows that John doesn't really understand.
Mama says:John,go and wash your school shoes while the sun is still up.
John says:I know,mama..i know..Be patient will you?
Mama says:John! It's been more than an hour since i said that..
John says:(silently in his heart) i know..
Do you people think that Johny understands and meant what he said when he said i know? Nooo..No no no..Im not saying that he has to wash his shoe with care and concern as if taking care of a pet.Imagine him squating down and scrubbing his shoes like one idiot saying i love this shoe of mine.Knowing that the sun won't shine on the same spot on earth for 24 hours,he should take that as an advantage.
Listen to what i have to say readers!! People say that the mind possess the body.The mind controls you(including the heart itself..).The mind is powerful.WELL...im here to tell you that it's all... bull.Yup! Bullshit.If you have A and THE heart,you listen to your mum.Know the point that she is making.If you have two hearts,hmmm...you're a goner i guess.I'll give you a clearer example so you know better okay..
Phase two: Shows that we understood.I have a bunsen burner and and a metal rod.I heat the metal rod for two hours.I dare you readers to touch the metal rod with bare hands...You will say "after you" or "you're insane".That is so bloooody true.If not for common sense,other senses will tell you the rod is freakin hot.The smell of something burning,the colour of the rod,the amount of heat it gives off will tell you if you touch it,you will be stunned and might as well collect a whole pail of adrenaline.
It seems better now isn't it? Our heart tells us whether are we really into somethings or not despite what our mind says.Despite what others say.We know best it's true.

I bluff you @|2:40 PM|


\\*Tuesday, November 15, 2005*//

Good Evening readers..
This is a renouncement.This blog is solely intended for those who enjoys reading.Everything written might be true or just plain crap.You decide.Have fun reading.

I bluff you @|10:00 PM|


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